Saturday, February 06, 2010


Special Characters

Here is the list of letters which do not exist in latin alphabet and are used in Darija, with the adopted transliteration for each one of them:

ArabicTransliteration ExamplePronounciation
ح77anut (shop)It’s the aspired sound of (H); a voiceless fricative sound made deep in the throat
ع33yn (eye)It’s the sound produced when you pull the back of your tongue back into your throat a bit.
قqqamar (moon)It’s the hard throatish equivalent of (K)
خkhkhaf (to be afraid)Like Spanish(J)
غ ghghnna (to sing)Hard version of (KH) being voiced, it's like the French (R).
سs salam (hello/peace) s like in (sweet)
صSSba7 (morning)S emphatic sound of "s" like in (sour)
تttelefon(phone)t like in (team)
ط T Tbla (table) Emphatic sound of (T), like in (Tall)
د d dar (To do) d like in (dream)
ض D Dar (house) D emphatic sound of "d" like in (door)

General Indications

  • The rest of Moroccan Arabic consonants are exactly the same as those in English.

  • All consonants must be pronounced.

  • In classical Arabic there are two types of vowels, short and long ones but in Moroccan darija there's not much difference between both of them in term of length.

  • We often omit vowels in the beggining of words.

  • It’s very frequent to have words without any vowels at all.

  • When you see a doubled letter in a word, it should mean that there is more stress on it.

  • We might use an apostrophe(') or a dash (-) to avoid confusion when a letter belonging to two different sounds is repeated twice.Ex : sh-hr (month) or we can type sh'hr.

  • This "code" is not universal, other people might use different characters for some of letters the above.

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